Ellen and Portia

Ellen and Portia
These two are my romodels!

About Me

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My name is Ashley,and I am a Lesbian. I Have been with my girlfriend for 4 years and two months now and still so in love.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Truth About a Lesbian

Coming out to my family and friends was the hardest thing I could have ever done in my life. I had been with my girlfriend for a year before anyone had found out. But let me tell you, even though it was so tough, it felt wonderful to get that off my chest. It took about another year for my parents to start realizing that it was not a phase I was going through but its the way I wanted to be. Now four years and two months into my relationship with my beautiful girlfriend, I can honestly say that I dont regret one thing about coming out. I do know that for alot of people it can seem impossible to do, but like I said, once its done, you feel like you can do anything. I love my girlfriend so much and I would change a thing about her, she is perfect in every way and I know I only want her. If anyone has any problems or just wants advice on how to come out, let me know. I would be more than willing to help. Tonight: A cozy night with my girlfriend, watch a movie with popcorn and pickle, and our favorite,chocolate coverd strawberries. yumm.

Good Day to All, Carpe Diem